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510 Ethics Peer Review

1359 views since Feb 8, 2023 orcajada profile pic orcajada This is my peer review of F.'s self-reflection essay. The keywords I used to find the pictures included in the mosaic are: respect, dignity, authenticity, authentic, integrity, honesty, virtue, virtue ethics, teleology, deontology, conformity, immigration, consent, assent, teen privacy, confidentiality, Algeria, Alberta, Edmonton, Sherbrooke, desert, Muslim, Islam, Qur'an, Bible, Christian love, love, compassion, helping others, worship, adolescence, feminism, equity, equality, Canada, fitting in, multiculturalism, cultural sensitivity, equal rights, fear, self-worth, worth, worthy, autonomy, collectivism, collectivist culture, acculturation, reflection, self-reflection, and ethics. Most of the words were taken from F.'s essay. Some were included to represent myself and my self-reflection in relation to F.'s essay.
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Dimension: 108 x 72 (7,776 tiles)
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Pixels: 311 Megapixels

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