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Buffs, in their own voice.

4614 views since Jul 6, 2020 cuartssciences profile pic cuartssciences This month’s theme is “ Out of the Fire, with Hope for Strength”. As part of the CU Buff community, in your own voice, please tell us what this means to you.  It can be in relation to any of the three stages of walking through fire, whichever best captures your experience, fully acknowledging the persistently challenging nature of these times. We hope that this can serve as a space to land, find stillness, breathe and even rest while in the challenge, fighting the fire, waiting for regrowth.  Instructions: Upload an image of yourself or photograph you've taken that best represents this month's theme to you. In the description of your photo share what the image means to you.
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Pixels: 311 Megapixels

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