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WCA | Fabric of Change

1143 views since Feb 6, 2022 wca profile pic wca In celebration of our 50th Anniversary WCA invites each member to occupy this moment fiercely by uploading your image. This digital mosaic welcomes us to share the thread(s) of change we each wish to hold, make them visible, and anchor them in community, not isolation. The art is the lived journey, moment by moment, holding these threads, weaving them forward, powering our leadership and sustained action. Here we record our durational art that will carry us year after year. We are all threads in this fabric of change.
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11 Small Pictures Added (More Mosaic Stats)
Dimension: 16 x 16 (256 tiles)
Colorization: 60%
Resolution: 17,600 x 17,600
Pixels: 309 Megapixels

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